Canton, Georgia  
110 Academy Street  
Canton, Georgia 30114  
Minutes - Final - Final  
Thursday, July 11, 2024  
6:00 PM  
City Hall  
110 Academy Street  
City Council  
Pledge of Allegiance and Invocation  
The Pledge of Allegiance to the American Flag was led by Mayor Grant and an  
invocation was given by Mayor Pro Tem Waterman.  
Call to Order  
The meeting was called to order by Mayor Grant.  
Members Present:  
Mayor Bill Grant  
Mayor Pro Tem Dwayne Waterman  
Councilmember Farris Yawn  
Councilmember Shawn Tolan  
Councilmember Sandy McGrew  
Councilmember Bryan Roach  
Councilmember Travis Johnson  
Mr. Billy Peppers, City Manager  
Mr. Bobby Dyer, City Attorney  
Mr. Nathan Ingram, Assistant City Manager  
Ms. Melissa Forrester, Finance Director  
Mr. Steve Green, Zoning Administrator  
Mr. Ken Patton, Housing Initiatives Director  
Ms. Bethany Watson, City Engineer  
Ms. Brittany Anderson, City Planner  
Mr. Kevin Turner, Community Development Director  
Mr. Marty Ferrell, Police Chief  
Ms. Kristin Norton Green, Theatre Events and Facilities Director  
Ms. Lauren Johnson, Communications Manager  
Mr. Mike Morgan, Information Technology Director  
Ms. Annie Fortner, City Clerk  
Consideration to Approve Agenda  
Mayor Pro Tem Waterman made a motion to approve the agenda.  
Councilmember Tolan seconded the motion, and it was approved unanimously.  
Guests and Visitors  
Presentation of Cherokee County Fire & EMS Updates - Fire Chief Eddie  
Robinson - Attachment 4A  
Fire Chief Eddie Robinson provided Council a presentation highlighting  
achievements such as celebrating 50 years as a department, receiving  
international accreditation through the Commission on Fire Accreditation  
International (CFAI) as well as national accreditation through the Committee on  
Accreditation for the EMS Profession (CoAEMSP), and numerous personnel  
accomplishments. Chief Robinson discussed how the department was  
reorganized during 2023 and spoke about the functions of Personnel Services,  
Field Operations, Support Services, and Community Risk Reduction. Chief  
Robinson announced that Cherokee County Fire and Emergency Services has  
maintained a 2/2Y Insurance Services Office (ISO) Public Protection Classification  
(PPC) rating and the future site of Fire Station 16 has been selected in downtown  
Public Hearing  
Public Hearing of 2024 Millage Rate - Finance Director Melissa Forrester -  
Attachment 5A  
Finance Director Melissa Forrester provided a presentation on the millage rate  
which reviewed the importance of property taxes as a revenue source for the City,  
requirements for advertising, twenty-year history of the City’s millage rate,  
current tax digest, history of County Fire Tax Rates, calculations for property  
taxes, upcoming public hearings, and timeline for adoption. Mayor Grant  
opened the public hearing and called for anyone wishing to speak. Mr. Thomas  
Weaver spoke discussing concern with the City’s Senior Exemption, maintaining  
a low millage rate, and providing high level services. Mayor Grant closed the  
public hearing. Mayor Grant noted that Cherokee County is to adopt their  
millage rate at their upcoming meeting on July 16th. City Manager Billy Peppers  
stated the City will continue to provide updated information to the community  
and discussed a handout provided to Council which compares the millage rate of  
the County and all municipalities within the County. Council and staff discussed  
the four possible fire rates to be adopted by Cherokee County and how the City  
would make up the gap from any increase using another revenue source.  
Consideration to Approve Minutes  
Council Meeting Draft Minutes - June 6, 2024 - Attachment 6A  
Councilmember Yawn made a motion to approve the minutes. Mayor Pro Tem  
Waterman seconded the motion, and it was approved unanimously.  
Informational Items  
Information Only - MPA2404-010 - Request to Remove the Requirement of a  
Water Tank within the Laurel Canyon Development - Zoning Administrator  
Steve Green - Attachment 7A  
Zoning Administrator Steve Green stated the applicant seeks to remove the  
requirement placed in 2005 of a water tank to be constructed in Pod 2. The  
public hearing will be held on August 1st.  
Information Only - Annexation, Rezoning, Master Plan, and Conditional Use  
Permit Requests Submitted by Pearidge Land Investments LLC - Zoning  
Administrator Steve Green - Attachment 7B  
Mr. Green stated the applicant wishes to construct 196 single family detached  
units as well as 32 townhome units and have a 1.4-acre site for commercial retail  
space. The public hearing will be held on August 1st.  
Review of May Financials - Finance Director Melissa Forrester - Attachment  
Ms. Forrester stated there is a decline in the General Fund due to the annual  
renewal of property and liability insurance and the annual payment of the fire  
tax. Ms. Forrester discussed an increase in retirement payments. This is a good  
increase as it shows employees are participating in the City’s retirement plan.  
Other Announcements  
Councilmember McGrew informed that Ms. Jacki Wickersham, Canton Tourism  
Board member, has passed away and offered sympathy and condolences to her  
family. Councilmember McGrew stated an appointment to that board will be  
made at an upcoming meeting.  
Ten Minute Public Input  
Consent Agenda  
Old Business  
Discussion and Possible Action on Case MPA2404-001 - Master Plan  
Amendment Request to Add Residential as an Allowed Use in Riverstone Pod  
B and Variance Request to Reduce Required Buffer - Zoning Administrator  
Steve Green - Attachment 11A  
Mr. Green stated the applicant requests to add residential as an allowed use  
within Pod B of the Riverstone development to construct four duplex buildings  
for a total of eight living units as well as requests reducing the 50-foot required  
buffer/setback line to 10 feet. Staff has recommended approval of this  
application with the following two conditions: 1) The owner/developer shall  
install an eight (8) foot tall screening fence adjacent to the RA-6 zoned  
properties; 2) The requested number of living units be reduced from eight (8) to  
six (6) to keep the development within the suggested dwelling units per acre as  
recommended by the City’s Comprehensive Plan. Mayor Grant confirmed that  
there was no one to speak in opposition of this application at the public hearing  
or the community input meeting. Mr. Green stated that was correct. Mr. Green  
noted he does not believe the two additional units would have any negative  
impacts on the area. Councilmember Tolan asked if the setback and buffer  
reductions were due to the property being thin and unusable with those  
requirements. Mr. Green confirmed that to be true. Councilmember McGrew  
made a motion to approve the Master Plan Amendment with eight (8) living units  
and the one condition that the owner/developer shall install an eight (8) foot tall  
screening fence adjacent to the RA-6 zoned properties. Councilmember Roach  
seconded the motion, and it was approved unanimously.  
New Business  
Discussion of Resolution to Establish a Standard Cable and Video Franchise  
Fee of 5% - Finance Director Melissa Forrester - Attachment 12A  
Ms. Forrester stated that the City is a participant of the Georgia Municipal  
Association's Telecommunications & Right of Way Management program. The  
advisor is auditing cable and telephone franchise fee payments and contracts and  
recommends passing a resolution to establish a standard cable franchise fee rate  
of 5% within the City for future and existing service providers. Ms. Forrester  
stated the City has been operating with a franchise agreement  
solely with Comcast which has recently expired and is automatically renewing on  
a month-to-month basis.  
Discussion of Request for an Appeal Hearing by the Canton City Council for  
the Denials of Variance Applications by the Board of Appeals - Zoning  
Administrator Steve Green - Attachment 12B  
Mr. Green stated the developer of the townhome project on Hospital Road  
submitted five variances to the Board of Appeals. All the variance requests were  
denied. Mr. Green stated the applicant is appealing two of the denied variance  
requests: 1) Request to reduce the required buffer from 50 feet to 10 feet; 2)  
Request to reduce the required setback along the external property lines from 50  
feet to 10 feet. Mr. Green noted that the City’s Unified Development Code  
requires the applicant to first petition the Mayor and City Council to hear an  
appeal of the denials. If the Mayor and Council decides to hear the appeal, a  
public hearing will be scheduled. If the Mayor and Council decides not to hear  
the appeal, the applicant then can take their appeal to the Superior Court of  
Cherokee County. Councilmember Roach made a motion to hear the two  
variance appeal requests for the buffer and setback reduction. Councilmember  
Tolan seconded the motion, and it was approved unanimously.  
Discussion of Request for Right-of-Way and Alleyway Abandonment along  
Teasley Street and Short Tanyard Street - Zoning Administrator Steve Green -  
Attachment 12C  
Mr. Green stated the requester has submitted a request for the abandonment of  
two alleyways and one right-of-way. Mr. Green discussed the location of the  
alleyways and right-of-way. Abutting property owners have been notified and  
Mr. Green stated he has received one phone call in opposition to the request.  
City Attorney Bobby Dyer stated upon further review one of the alleyways has  
already been abandoned by the City. Mayor Grant asked that the information be  
clarified for the next meeting as to which alleyway has already been abandoned  
and what is still being requested.  
Discussion of the Award of Task Order 6 Addendum 1 for Supplemental  
Services for Brown Industrial Booster Pump and Waterline to Black & Veatch  
in the Amount of $39,716.00 - City Engineer Bethany Watson - Attachment  
Agenda Items 12D and 12E were discussed together. City Engineer Bethany  
Watson discussed the original Task Orders and noted that due to unforeseen  
issues with a water main that runs under I-575, addendums are necessary for  
additional designs and permitting.  
Discussion of the Award of the Task Order 9 Addendum 1 for Supplemental  
Services for SR 20/I-575 Water Main Replacement to Black & Veatch in the  
Amount of $27,103.00 - City Engineer Bethany Watson - Attachment 12E  
See item 12D.  
Discussion of the Proposal to Provide Wall Foundation Investigation for the  
River Mill Pedestrian Bridge at The Mill on Etowah from Heath & Lineback in  
the Amount of $26,200.00 - City Engineer Bethany Watson - Attachment 12F  
Ms. Watson stated the City is moving forward with Alternate 1 for the River Mill  
Pedestrian Bridge as approved by Council. Ms. Watson stated as part of this  
project a soil nail wall is included. A Wall Foundation Investigation (WFI) needs  
to be performed by the City’s geotechnical subconsultant.  
Discussion of the Award of Task Order 7 for Reinhardt College Parkway  
Utility Relocation SR 5 Connector at Highway 140 Intersection Improvement  
Project to Keck & Wood in the Amount of $43,750.00 - City Engineer Bethany  
Watson - Attachment 12G  
Ms. Watson discussed that this project is for the roundabout at Reinhardt College  
Parkway and Highway 140. The City’s utilities seem to conflict with the plans.  
Ms. Watson stated this Task Order would include the design and relocation of the  
City’s utilities.  
Discussion and Possible Action on a Quitclaim Deed at 142 Reinhardt  
College Parkway to Signet Clinical, LLC - City Attorney Bobby Dyer -  
Attachment 12H  
Mr. Dyer discussed that as part of the redevelopment of property in the  
Riverstone Master Plan, the City abandoned certain aging utility infrastructure  
and easements. As the properties are being sold, the buyers are requesting  
Quitclaim Deeds for those areas from the City. Mr. Dyer stated the City has  
completed this process several times. Signet Clinical, LLC is seeking to build at  
142 Reinhardt College Parkway and needs the Quitclaim to complete the  
purchase. Councilmember Johnson made a motion to approve the Quitclaim  
Deed for 142 Reinhardt College Parkway to Signet Clinical, LLC.  
Councilmember Yawn seconded the motion, and it was approved unanimously.  
Discussion of Intergovernmental Agreement with Cherokee County for  
Maintenance of Technology Ridge Parkway Phase I - Assistant City Manager  
Nathan Ingram - Attachment 12I  
Assistant City Manager Nathan Ingram stated that Cherokee County recently  
completed Technology Ridge Parkway. Cherokee County wishes to enter into an  
Intergovernmental Agreement (IGA) for City maintenance of that roadway. Mr.  
Ingram noted that under the IGA, the City would be responsible for maintaining  
all rights-of-way, including the sidewalks, trails, curb, gutter, drainage pond and  
roadway. The City will also handle all permitting along the roadway for future  
curb cuts.  
Discussion of Request by Northside Hospital Cherokee for City Contributions  
to the Construction of a New Traffic Signal at the Hospital - Assistant City  
Manager Nathan Ingram - Attachment 12J  
Mr. Ingram discussed that Northside Hospital Cherokee (NHC) is planning to  
construct a second entrance to the hospital campus along Northside Cherokee  
Boulevard south of the current entrance. Mr. Ingram stated NHC anticipates the  
cost to signalize the intersection to be $600,000 or less and is requesting the City  
contribute one-third of the cost (not to exceed $200,000) upon completion of the  
work. Mr. Ingram noted that the Cherokee County Board of Commissioners have  
already committed one-third of the cost (not to exceed $200,000) upon  
completion of the work.  
Discussion and Possible Action to Dispose of Property Located at Short  
Drive and Accept the Purchase and Sales Agreement from Generations  
Church of God, Inc. in the Amount of $5,969.00 - Assistant City Manager  
Nathan Ingram - Attachment 12K  
Mr. Ingram stated the City owns a very small piece of property located on Short  
Drive which is off Old Vandiver Road near Ball Ground Highway. Mr. Ingram  
noted the site does not include any infrastructure and is no longer in the City's  
water and sewer service area. The property is surrounded by a parcel of land  
totaling 40 acres owned by Generations Church of God, Inc. Mr. Ingram stated  
the adjacent property owner approached the City a year ago about selling it the  
City's lot. At that time, it was determined through the City Attorney that the  
options for disposal would be a public bid or the adjacent owner could purchase  
the property for a fair market price. Mr. Ingram informed that the adjacent owner  
has their property under contract for sale and the offer for its acreage was  
prorated based upon the .15 acres owned by the City for a fair market price of  
$5,969.00. Mr. Ingram stated the adjacent property owner is hoping to close on  
their property soon which is why action is requested now. Mayor Pro Tem  
Waterman made a motion to approve the disposal of the property located on  
Short Drive and accept the Purchase and Sale Agreement from Generations  
Church God, Inc. in the amount of $5,969.00. Councilmember Johnson  
seconded the motion, and it was approved unanimously.  
City Manager's Report  
Mr. Peppers discussed the recent Georgia Municipal Association’s Annual  
Convention and provided updates on City projects including paving and  
demolition of the old Tippens School site. Mr. Peppers spoke about the 4th of  
July and First Friday events, giving special thanks to the Public Works  
Department, Police Department, and Downtown Development Manager Velinda  
Hardy for all their hard work. Mr. Peppers also thanked City Planner Brittany  
Anderson, Community Development Director Kevin Turner, and Communications  
Manager Lauren Johnson for their efforts to complete the Historic District  
Residential Design Guidelines. Mr. Peppers recognized Court Services  
Representative Amy Lutz as being named the Team Member of the Month for  
Council Introduced Items  
Mayor's Report  
Mayor Grant congratulated Ms. Amy Lutz as being recognized as Team Member  
of the Month for June and seconded the praise of Team Canton for their efforts  
during the holiday festivities. Mayor Grant also thanked the Historic Preservation  
Commission members for their hard work on the Historic District Residential  
Design Guidelines.  
Mayor Pro Tem Waterman made a motion to adjourn. Councilmember Johnson  
seconded the motion, and it was approved unanimously.  
Bill Grant, Mayor  
Annie Fortner, City Clerk  
Dates Minutes Approved by Council